- Some procedures for drawing musical symbols in PostScript
(/home/wherever/ps/lib/ run % if run fails with invalidaccess you may need to use gv --nosafer % to send it to a printer see include_run . . . 140 400 600 20 stave % xleft xright ytop staveheight 140 600 580 20 bracket % x ytop ybottom staveheight 150 600 20 bassclef % x ytop staveheight 170 585 20 whiteblob % x y staveheight 220 595 20 blackblob % x y staveheight 216 595 575 20 quaverstemdown % x ytop ybottom staveheight 235 600 20 blackblob 231 600 580 20 quaverstemdown 216 605 236 610 +1 20 slur % xl yl xr yr upordown staveheight 245 590 20 crochetrest % x y staveheight 250 589 20 dot % x y staveheight 270 600 580 20 barline % x ytop ybottom staveheight 280 600 20 trebleclef % x ytop staveheight 300 595 20 whiteblob 296 595 575 20 notestem % x ytop ybottom staveheight 300 610 20 fermata % x y staveheight 350 590 20 crochetrest 375 590 20 quaverrest 387 590 20 semiquaverrest 400 600 580 20 barline showpage
This module offers, as a PostScript library,
the procedures for drawing musical symbols as used by
They are here made more robust for general use,
by protecting each local variable with a local dictionary.
None of these procedures leave anything on the stack; they only paint.
blackblob usage: x y staveheight blackblob whiteblob usage: x y staveheight whiteblob breve usage: x y staveheight breve dot usage: x y staveheight dot doubledot usage: x y staveheight doubledot stave usage: x_left x_right y_topline staveheight stave ledger usage: x y staveheight ledger barline usage: x y_top y_bot staveheight barline notestem usage: x y_top y_bot staveheight notestem quaverstemup usage: x y_top y_bot staveheight quaverstemup quaverstemdown usage: x y_top y_bot staveheight quaverstemdown beam usage: x_mid_l y_mid_l x_mid_r y_mid_r staveheight beam tremolando usage: n x_mid y_mid staveheight tremolando bracket usage: x y_top y_bot staveheight bracket repeatmark usage: x y_top staveheight repeatmark bassclef usage: x y_top staveheight bassclef bass8vaclef usage: x y_top staveheight bass8vaclef bass8vabclef usage: x y_top staveheight bass8vabclef f_clef usage: x y_f staveheight f_clef tenorclef usage: x y_top staveheight tenorclef altoclef usage: x y_top staveheight altoclef c_clef usage: x y_middle_c staveheight c_clef trebleclef usage: x y_top staveheight trebleclef treble8vaclef usage: x y_top staveheight treble8vaclef treble8vabclef usage: x y_top staveheight treble8vabclef g_clef usage: x y_g staveheight g_clef percussionclef usage: x y_top staveheight percussionclef timesig usage (eg. for 6/8): x y_top staveheight (6) (8) timesig sharp usage: x y staveheight sharp natural usage: x y staveheight natural flat usage: x y staveheight flat doublesharp usage: x y staveheight doublesharp hemidemisemiquaverrest usage: x y staveheight hemidemisemiquaverrest demisemiquaverrest usage: x y staveheight demisemiquaverrest semiquaverrest usage: x y staveheight semiquaverrest quaverrest usage: x y staveheight quaverrest crochetrest usage: x y staveheight crochetrest minimrest usage: x y staveheight minimrest smbrest usage: x y staveheight smbrest breverest usage: x y staveheight breverest barnumber usage: x y staveheight (string) barnumber crescendo usage: x_left y_left x_right y_right staveheight crescendo diminuendo usage: x_left y_left x_right y_right staveheight diminuendo slur usage (updown=+1 or -1): x_l y_l x_r y_r updown staveheight slur fermata usage: x y staveheight fermata mordent usage: x y staveheight mordent trill usage: x y staveheight trill trsharp usage: x y staveheight trsharp trflat usage: x y staveheight trflat trnat usage: x y staveheight trnat turn usage: x y staveheight turn tenuto usage: x y staveheight tenuto emphasis usage: x y staveheight emphasis segno usage: x y staveheight segno upbow usage: x y staveheight upbow downbow usage: x y staveheight downbow guitar_string usage: n x y staveheight guitar_string
Also defined are the following procedures also available in :
rightshow usage: x y font fontsize (string) rightshow leftshow usage: x y font fontsize (string) leftshow centreshow usage: x y font fontsize (string) centreshow centrexshow usage: x y font fontsize (string) centrexshow
Also defined are the following fonts with ISOLatin1Encoding. They are also available in :
/Times-Roman-ISO /Times-Bold-ISO /Times-Italic-ISO /Times-BoldItalic-ISO
To install: go to
and save the file to your local disc.
Rename it to and move it into some appropriate
directory such as ~/ps/lib
. . .
Or, first change directory to where you keep your PostScript libraries:
cd /home/wherever/ps/lib/
(or wherever) and then either:
wget -O
curl -o
Or, get it from gitlab:
git clone
Peter J Billam
20160627 130830 musical signs, developed from muscript
muscript -p
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