The Game is made up of Privates, Columns, Officers and Bombs.
PRIVATES, that is White and Black Men, are only allowed to move forward.
COLUMNS are obtained when one or more Men have been captured, and remain on any one particular spot, the Top Man always being the Leader.
OFFICERS are obtained when any one Man or Column arrives in the last line of the opponent. If one Man arrives there, it is taken off the board and exchanged for an Officer, but if a Column arrives, only the Top Man is taken off and exchanged, it being imperative that never more or less, than the 22 Men inclusive, are on the board at any time.
Green is the Officer for White, and Red the Officer for Black. Officers capture prisoners in the same manner as Privates, but have the priviledge of moving either backwards or forwards.
BOMBS consist of Columns, several Men of which being of one Party are on top of each other.
MOVES are made alternately and only obliquely.
WHITE always begins the Game.
To capture a Prisoner, he must be on the spot immediately in front of you, and have a vacant space immediately behind. You then place your Man on his, and move both to vacant space. Should there be another of his Men in front, with space behind, you must continue the run, and increase your Column, as you are compelled to take prisoners, if the opportunity occurs. If your opponent omits, compel him to do so.
Always remember, that although You move All the Men contained in your Column, you may not take more than one Prisoner from each available space, so if opponent has a Column on one or more, you may only capture his top Men.
If two or more openings occur to take Prisoners, select the one giving the longest Run or best Advantage.A Run finishes for the Move when a Column, being led by a Private, arrives in Opponent's last line. but is continued if being led by an Officer.
The loser is the player who cannot move, or who has all his Men taken Prisoners.
Move Men towards Centre of Board.
The strongest 3 White Markers are 2, 3, 6, the Black ones 23, 24, 20. It is advisable not to move them, unless a prominent advantage may be gained by so doing. You ought, however, to try and induce Opponent to move his strong triangle.
Move weak Men to safe places. Bombs as much as possible towards the Enemy. Attack Weak Men of Opponent, viz.: such as have no Prisoners.
In attacking Bombs be careful, and try and make your moves in such a manner that your opponent has little or no liberty for moving.
22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | ||||
19 | 20 | 21 | |||||
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ||||
12 | 13 | 14 | |||||
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | ||||
5 | 6 | 7 | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
To the beginner, it will be found of great advantage to study and practise these five Explanatory Games, and for that purpose a Numbered Block is shown, to enable them easily to be followed.
At the Start, Nos. 12, 13 and 14 remain open, White occupying position 1 to 11, and Black 15 to 25, and White leads off.
(1) 9-13, 17-13-9. (2) 5-9-13, 21-17. (3) 13-17-21, 25-21-17. (4) 10-13, 16-13-10. (5) 7-10-13, 19-16. (6) 13-16-19, 22-19-16. (7) 1-5, 15-12. (8) 9-12-15, 16-13. (9) 10-13-16-19-22*, 17-13-9-5-1*. (10) 22-19-16, 20-16-12. (11) 6-9, 12-9-6. (12) 3-6-9, 16-13. (13) 9-13-17-21-25*, 24-20. (14) 25-21-17-13-9, 13-9-5. (15) 6-9-12, 18-14. (16) 11-14-17, 20-17-14. (17) 12-9-6, 9-6-3*. (18) 6-9, 14-10. (19) 8-12, 3-6. (20) 2-5-8, 17-13. (21) 9-13-17, 1-5-9. (22) 17-21, 10-7. (23) 4-7-10, 6-10-14. (24) 7-10-13, 9-13-17-21-25. (25) 12-16, 23-20. (26) 16-20-24*, 13-9. (27) 24-21-18-14-10, 14-10-6. (28) 15-19, 10-7. (29) 19-23*, 7-3*. (30) 8-12, 3-7. (31) 12-16, 7-10. (32) 16-20, 10-13. (33) 20-24*, 13-17. (34) 24-21-18, 17-20. (35) 23-20-17, 21-17-13. (36) 18-21, 9-5. (37) 21-18, 13-10. (38) 18-21, 10-7. (39) 21-17-13, 17-13-9.
(1) 9-13, 17-13-9. (2) 5-9-13, 21-17. (3) 13-17-21, 25-21-17. (4) 10-13, 16-13-10. (5) 7-10-13, 19-16. (6) 13-16-19, 22-19-16. (7) 10-14, 18-14-10. (8) 6-10-14, 15-12. (9) 9-12-15, 16-13, (10) 10-13-16-19-22*, 17-13-9. (11) 22-19-16, 20-16-12. (12) 4-7, 16-13. (13) 8-12-16, 21-18. (14) 12-9-6, 13-9-5. (15) 2-5-8, 18-14-10-6-2*. (16) 11-14-17, 23-20. (17) 17-20-23*, 24-21. (18) 23-20, 21-18. (19) 7-10, 18-14. (20) 10-14-18. - Black cannot move any more and will lose.
(1) 9-13, 17-13-9. (2) 6-9-12, 16-13. (3) 10-13-16, 19-16-13. (4) 9-13-17, 15-12-9. (5) 13-16-19, 21-17-13. (6) 8-12-16, 20-16-12. (7) 7-10, 23-19-15. (8) 5-8, 13-10-7. (9) 4-7-10, 24-21. (10) 2-5, 17-14. (11) 11-14-17, 21-17-13. (12) 7-11, 13-10-7. (13) 5-9-13-17-21, 25-21-17. (14) 9-13, 17-13-9. (15) 11-14, 7-4*. (16) 14-17, 21-17-13. (17) 17-21, 10-7. (18) 3-7-11, 9-6. (19) 21-24*, 6-2*. (20) 24-21, 13-9. (21) 21-17, 9-5. (22) 1-5-9, 12-9-6. (23) 17-21, 16-12. (24) 8-12-16, 19-16-13. (25) 21-17, 5-1*. (26) 17-21, 6-3*. (27) 21-17, 2-5. (28) 17-21, 9-6. (29) 21-24, 6-2*. (30) 24-21, 2-6. (31) 21-24, 6-9. (32) 24-21, 9-12. (33) 21-24, 13-9. (34) 24-21, 16-13. (35) 21-24, 12-16. (36) 24-21, 9-6. (37) 21-24, 13-9. (38) 24-21, 16-13. (39) 21-24, 13-17, and blocks the last two pieces of white.
(1) 9-12, 15-12-9. (2) 5-9-13, 19-15. (3) 13-16-19, 22-19-16. (4) 10-13, 16-13-10. (5) 7-10-13, 17-14. (6) 11-14-17, 20-17-14. (7) 8-12, 23-20. (8) 1-5, 20-16. (9) 12-16-20, 24-20-16. (10) 5-8, 14-11. (11) 4-7, 17-14. (12) 9-12, 15-12-9. (13) 6-9-12, 14-10-6. (14) 12-15, 20-17. (15) 15-19-23*, 19-15. (16) 13-16-19, 17-13. (17) 9-13-17, 21-17-13. (18) 3-6-9, 11-7-3*. (19) 10-14, 13-9-5. (20) 14-17-20, 3-7. (21) 6-9-12, 15-12-9. (22) 20-24*, 7-10. (23) 16-20, 9-6. (24) 8-12-16, 5-1*. (25) 19-22*, 6-3*. (26) 23-19, 25-21. (27) 20-23*, 18-14. (28) 24-21-18, 10-13. (29) 18-14-10, 13-10-7. (30) 16-20, 7-11. (31) 19-15, 10-7. (32) 23-19, 7-4*. (33) 19-16, 4-7. (34) 16-12, 3-6. (35) 2-6-10, 7-10-13. (36) 6-10-14, 11-14-17-20-23. (37) 12-16, 13-16-19. (38) 22-19-16-20-24, 19-16. (39) 24-21, 1-5. (40) 21-24, 14-18. (41) 24-20, 23-20-17. (42) 15-19, 17-21. (43) 19-16-13, 16-13-10.
(1) 9-12, 15-12-9. (2) 5-9-13, 19-15. (3) 13-16-19, 22-19-16. (4) 10-13, 16-13-10. (5) 7-10-13, 17-14. (6) 11-14-17, 20-17-14. (7) 9-12, 15-12-9. (8) 6-9-12, 14-10-6. (9) 12-15, 17-14. (10) 9-12, 14-11. (11) 3-6-9, 11-7. (12) 10-14, 18-14-10. (13) 6-10-14, 7-3*. (14) 4-7, 3-7-11-14-17. (15) 14-17-20, 24-20-16. (16) 2-6, 20-17-24. (17) 10-14-18-21-24*, 16-13-10-6-2*. (18) 1-5, 14-17-20. (19) 24-20-16-19-22, 23-20-27. (20) 22-19-16-13-10, 25-21. (21) 20-23*, 21-18. (22) 12-16, 17-14. (23) 10-13, 2-6. (24) 15-19, 6-9-12-16-20, 23-20-17-14-11 and white will easily win.
In the following proposition, although White has only two Leaders on the Board, against Black's seven, still being his move he will win if he plays as follows :-
GAME. A, moves and wins. - A on 2, green (leader), white, black, red, black. - B on 1, red (leader), white, on 7, red, on 12, red, red, on 14, red, on 19, black, on 20, black, on 22, red and on 8, white.
SOLUTION. (1) 2-5, 1-5-9. (2) 5-9-13, 12-9-6. (3) 9-6-3-7-11-14-17-20-23-19-15, 6-10. (4) 13-17, 10-14. (5) 17-20, 14-17. (6) 20-24*, 17-13. (7) 24-20, 13-10. (8) 20-17, 10-6. (9) 17-13, 6-3. (10) 13-10.
Lasker's "PROPOSITION" is false as it stands (even the first move is illegal), but works if the White piece on 8 is removed, even though this leaves White only one Leader on the board, against Black's seven. This HTML was transcribed by Peter Billam from a PDF scan of the original (900 Kb) |